TC-5063C Pneumatic 6 GHz TEM Cell

TC-5063C, Pneumatic 6GHz TEM Cell generates the Electro-Magnetic field for testing small RF devices such as RFID, wireless pager, GPS Receiver, Mobile phone, etc. An external test signal applied through the input port of the TC-5063C generates a consistent and predictable TEM test field inside the cell. The radiation field from a device transmitting in the Cell can also be detected through the port using a test receiver.

The unique compact and economical design is optimized for medium accuracy measurements beyond the standard TEM Cell frequency range.

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Pneumatic TEM Cell TC-5063C Key Benefits

  • Radiation and susceptibility test
  • A broadband TEM Cell up to 3GHz
  • Small Size, Small footprint for Desktop Use
  • High Effective Shielding
  • Specifically designed for various types of small wireless devices
  • Pneumatic Open / Close Construction
  • RS-232C Open / Close control

The TC5063 Pneumatic TEM Cell is your ideal test Cell to compliment your test equipment in a small package but offering the ability to simulate a far field in a near field environment. The TC5063 Pneumatic TEM Cell, is an economic UHF TEM Cell which generates a consistent Electro-magnetic field for testing small RF devices such as RFID, GPS Receivers, cell phones, and other wireless devices. The pneumatic open/close and remote control operation makes it ideal for use on a high volume use. An external test signal can be applied through the available RF side port of the TC5063 TEM Cell which generates a consistent and predictable TEM test field inside the cell.

If you need to incorporate the benefits of a TEM cell but not the pneumatic remote control features for high volume testing, the TC5062C may be a better fit as it offers all the benefits for consistent repeatability in testing but without the need for an air supply, and adds a DUT rotator option which may be useful.